How To Choose Sleepers In Mines

Date: 2021-07-10 Browse: 6349

Sleepers can be used in many occasions. They can be used in railway construction, mine transportation, subway roads, garden construction and other occasions. The choice of sleepers is different in various occasions, and some choose wooden sleepers. , That is, sleepers, some require the application of concrete sleeper, that is, concrete sleepers, and some use steel rails for balls. The choice of sleepers varies according to the site and environment. So, what kind of sleeper do you need to choose when it comes to rail transportation in mines? Is it better to use wooden rails or concrete sleepers?

More and more choices of concrete sleeper appear in various construction occasions. Are cement sleepers the choice for rail transportation in mines?

Concrete sleeper have the advantages of sturdiness and durability, long life, etc., but their weight is relatively high, and it is difficult to use in rail transportation in mines. Wooden sleepers have the advantages of low cost, light transportation, convenient disassembly, and strong resistance to decay. Concrete sleepers are more suitable for rail transportation in mines, so more mining companies now choose wooden sleepers as the main raw materials for mine transportation.

From this we can see that although the development of concrete sleeper is getting better and better, there has never been a reason for wooden sleepers to withdraw from the stage of history. Each type of sleeper has its own suitable place for use. The development is innovative and also It's not exactly a replacement.

Shandong China Coal has been operating sleepers for nearly ten years. The company has been following the trend of historical development. Now the company has more and more sleeper products, including wooden sleepers, cement sleepers, concrete sleepers, steel rails and other sleepers. Interested customers can come Our company conducts a detailed understanding.



