What To Pay Attention To When Using Concrete Sleeper

Date: 2021-06-15 Browse: 6382

Because of the high safety of concrete sleeper, concrete-cement sleepers are now used by more and more people. So what should we pay attention to when using concrete sleeper? Come and see with me!

The concrete sleeper must first touch the ground at one end, and fall laterally. It is not allowed to shrug off the sleeper, so as to avoid hurting people and smashing the sleeper. When multiple people carry the sleepers, they should walk back and forth separately to avoid mutual interference. The two people should be at least 2 meters apart. In the direction of the construction site, 40 meters away from the underground, and 100 meters above the ground, a warning line sign (lights, flags and other stop signals) should be provided. During the construction of the winch road, contact the hooker and the driver of the winch. Lifting operations are strictly prohibited until the construction work is over. When planting road studs, use a holding hammer to plant the nails. No round hammers are allowed. The road studs must be beaten into a figure eight.

Eight-hazard spikes are strictly prohibited: pitching, pitching, crooking, slanting, floating, separating, grinding, and bending. The quality requirements of the track line: the fasteners are complete, firm and consistent with the track, the gap of the track joint is not more than 5mm, and the height and side error are not more than 2mm. The height difference between the top surfaces of the two rails in the straight section, and the height difference between the outer rail of the curved section and the top surface of the inner rail after the design is high, shall not be greater than 5mm. The upper deviation of the linear section and the widened curve section is +5mm, and the lower deviation is -2mm. Set the gauge rod in the curve section.

As long as you can pay attention to these, there is no problem when using concrete sleepers.



